DATE/TIME: 20070718 9:47am
LOCATION: Desa Sri Hartamas

NOTE: its understandable that some office area will have limited space for parking and would resort to double park.. sometime close neighbor would help out to "see water" lookout for the DBKL/MPSJ saman fella.. but this.. they took three parking space in front of their shop reserving for them.. actually the parking is/are with DBKL parking meter so its not their space its DBKL space.. but than this bitch(i saw its a she).. come along.. somehow there is someone double parked blocking her entrance to the parking.. i don't mind that if she just drive up further front and call up or to have her colleague to find the driver to move away for her.. but than she stay there blocking the traffic & honk aggressively.. and its not the first time..